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managing digital assets requires the right software for your environment
Jody SappingtonSep 28, 2022 2:23:07 PM6 min read

What Are The Benefits Of A Digital Asset Management System?


A digital asset management system (DAM) helps you organize, share, track and manage all of your digital media assets. A DAM system is a robust piece of software that allows you to store and organize everything from photos and videos to documents and audio files. It can be used as part of an enterprise-wide IT infrastructure or deployed on cloud servers as a standalone solution for smaller organizations looking for an easier way to manage their content. If you are looking for more, we recently went through An Ultimate Guide to Digital Asset Management Software

Centralize Your Digital Assets

Today’s organizations have a lot of digital assets to manage— videos and images, as well as documents. These items can be stored in different formats, on different devices, and in different locations. In today's fast-paced business world, you need an efficient way to centralize and find all of your company's digital assets quickly and easily. 

When you centralize your company’s digital assets into one location with a digital asset management system (DAM), you gain the ability to search across all platforms for any file type at any time. This means that no matter where you are or what device (phone or computer) you're using, you'll always be able to locate the right file when it comes time for review or editing. 

You also gain access to metadata about every file which helps facilitate collaboration with others inside and outside of your organization because they can easily see who created/approved each asset before sharing it. 

Simplify Sharing And Distribution

Whether you're sharing a simple photo, video or document with a client, employee or colleague, a digital asset management system can help you manage the distribution of your content. This allows you to get your files into the hands of others quickly and securely. 

Build Visibility Into Your Asset Inventory

When it comes to managing your assets, a digital asset management system is invaluable. It will help you keep track of the assets on your network and how long they have been there. This can be useful for understanding what kind of data is on your network, how much of it there is, where it's located and when it was created. 

Another benefit of using a DAM is that you'll be able to see all the assets that are in your cloud storage or NAS device. If an employee needs access to an old file from offsite storage but doesn't know where exactly it's located, a DAM will make that process easier—and prevent employees from digging through boxes looking for files in person or over email/chat without any organization or direction as to where the file might be located. 

DAMs also allow users to group together similar items so that they can easily search through them by keyword (or other metadata) rather than having thousands upon thousands of individual PDFs scattered throughout their various folders throughout their computer system(s). This makes searching faster because only relevant documents will show up instead of having countless irrelevant ones cluttering up results! 

Eliminate Bottlenecks In The Media Production Workflow

The purpose of a DAM system is to eliminate bottlenecks in the media production workflow. A common problem is that there are multiple points of contact between teams and parties involved with a project. This can lead to delays in communicating vital information, such as who has access to what files and where they are located. 

A DAM system provides a single point of contact for all assets related to a project, so you'll always know who has what files and where they're located. By eliminating any bottlenecks in this area, you can ensure that everyone involved with your project receives the information they need when they need it—without unnecessary delays or confusion. 

Get Higher ROI From Your Existing Assets

  • Get higher ROI from your existing assets. 
  • Better ROI on new assets. 
  • Lower cost of production and reduced time to market for new products or services. 

Empower Collaboration Across Teams And Agencies

Collaboration is key to success. It's no surprise that the most successful teams and agencies are those that can collaborate with their clients and other team members. A DAM can help you do just that, by centralizing all your assets in one place where everyone has access to them. You can use this platform to share content with other departments or agencies so everyone on your team can work from the same files at once, regardless of location or time zone. Your creative director in New York might be designing a new email template while one of your copywriters in San Francisco is writing copy for it. By having everything stored in one database, it's easy for designers and writers to share feedback and give quick approvals—meaning there's less back-and-forth between teammates before things go live (which saves time!). And since each user on the platform has permission-based access levels, only designated team members will have access to sensitive information like client contracts or financial documents—this helps protect against accidental leaks too! 

Gain Flexibility And Scalability With The Cloud

The cloud is an ideal solution for digital asset management because it offers scalability, flexibility, and security. With a cloud-based DAM system, you can scale up or down as needed, meaning that your company will never need to worry about paying for storage capacity that you don’t need. This can also help manage costs effectively as well as give you more flexibility in terms of adding storage space when required without having to make any upfront investment in new hardware. 

The cloud also provides many different levels of security options depending on the sensitivity of data you need to protect. For example, while public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) have high levels of security built into them by default, private clouds are often set up specifically with your company’s needs in mind which can mean that they offer even better protection from cyber attacks – especially if they are hosted locally rather than remotely (something known as “on-premises"). 

What Can A DAM Do For You?

A DAM system can help you centralize all of your digital assets, give you the ability to track and share those assets and help you produce more content at a lower cost. 

When it comes to managing your digital files, it’s important to have a system in place that allows for easy access and sharing across the enterprise. A DAM system can provide this functionality by keeping all of your assets in one place while also providing search capabilities that allow users to find exactly what they’re looking for quickly and easily. 


In conclusion, digital asset management can help you centrally store, track and share all of your digital assets. It will also give you the ability to produce more content at a lower cost. In addition to these benefits, it can help eliminate bottlenecks in the media production workflow by providing access to all the necessary tools that are needed for creating good-looking graphics and videos. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder why so many businesses have turned towards DAM systems as a way of improving their workflows!